Choose the plan that works for you
Try before you buy • No contracts • Cancel anytime
For individuals
Billed $480 annually or
$64 month by month
Save 38% annually
Unlimited surveys and questions
Billed $780 annually or
$90 month by month
Save 28% annually
Unlimited surveys and questions
For teams
Starting at 3 users
billed annually $1375
Unlimited Unlimited surveys and questions
A plan designed around your organization
Unlimited surveys and questions
Frequently asked questions
Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial for each of our accounts, allowing you access to all the features within that plan. Take advantage of our free trial to see whether our survey software provides you with the solutions you need.
Please note, as trials are intended for testing and experimentation purposes, you will be limited to a maximum of 10 participants per contact list and access to view 100 responses during the 14-day period. If you collect more than 100 responses during your trial, these will be visible in your account once you upgrade to the paid plan. Data export is limited to 10 responses during the trial period.
To register for a trial account, simply click on the Try for Free link at the bottom of each plan located above, if you require a trial of our Enterprise survey tools then please get in touch.
If you pay by invoice you need to provide 31 days notice, otherwise you can cancel at any time straight from your account page. We allow our account users to upgrade and downgrade at any time, there is no minimum contract.
There is no need to contact us to downgrade your account as long as you cancel the day before your monthly payment is due. Your surveys, and data you have collected, will stay with your account when you downgrade to be accessed at a later time or until you delete your account.
We accept most major credit and debit cards for our Professional and Business plans, our annual plans include a discount compared to paying monthly. These plans are billed on a subscription basis. Our Enterprise plans are invoiced.
All the data you collect is stored and backed up on our UK/EU-based servers. Data collected is owned by ‘you’ the user and will not be accessed or shared without your permission. This is a fundamental principle behind our philosophy of ensuring your data is safe and secure. SmartSurvey is ISO27001 certified and registered under the Data Protection Act.
Yes, our Student Plan is the perfect, flexible and discounted option for academic research. We also offer great discounts for charities; go to our Account Request page to see if your not-for-profit organization qualifies for a discount.
SmartSurvey student and not-for-profit plans
Loaded with all the advanced features you need to complete your research projects at a student-friendly monthly price.
We understand the financial constraints of not-for-profit organizations and charities, so offer great discounts without compromise on the quality of service.