Post Your Surveys on Twitter to Improve Response Rates
If you want to improve survey response rates, you must use all the tools at your disposal. Social media is a very important tool, which is why you should always place your survey on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn at the very least. To improve survey response rate for an online questionnaire that runs within an organization only, you should also use email and the intranet, as well as making announcements with the wage slips. Placing your surveys on Twitter is so easy that it would be a waste of potential answers if you weren’t to do it.
In order to place a survey on Twitter, you first need the link to your online survey. Next, all you need to do is copy that link and paste it in your Tweet. That is all the necessary steps to place a survey on Twitter. You do have to make sure that people then get to see your tweet in order to improve survey response rate. Hence, you will have to increase the number of followers you have. Another useful tool is to use frequently searched for hash tags, so that people who don’t actually follow your tweets are still able to find the survey on Twitter. Similarly, you may want to ask those who do follow you to retweet your link, thereby once again increase the number of people who have access to it.
You can use exactly the same techniques in Facebook, but this one allows you to be even more creative. Since you are not limited by the number of characters, you are able to explain what the survey is about and add details such as whether or not you are offering an incentive. You can also directly ask people to share your survey through their own social media tools. It is yet unclear whether Facebook or Twitter has the bigger reach, but neither should be ignored.