Employee Pulse Survey Template

This Employee Pulse Survey template can be used to gather feedback on various aspects of the employees' experience at your organization.

This template includes questions on job satisfaction, career development, work-life balance, communication, and collaboration.

This survey template is aimed to provide insight into your employees' perspective and identify areas for improvement to create a better workplace.

Number of Questions
Time to complete:
4 minutes

Employee pulse survey questions in this example

1. How satisfied are you with your current role and responsibilities at the company?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

2. How would you rate the overall working environment at [Company Name]?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Fair
  4. Poor
  5. Very poor

3. How satisfied are you with the level of support and resources provided by your manager and colleagues?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

4. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for professional development and advancement at [Company Name]?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

5. Do you feel that your current role is aligned with your career goals and aspirations?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Somewhat

6. How satisfied are you with the feedback and performance management processes at the company?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

7. How satisfied are you with the work-life balance at [Company Name]?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

8. Do you feel that you have the flexibility to manage your work and personal commitments effectively?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Somewhat

9. How satisfied are you with the company's policies and practices related to work-life balance?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

10. How satisfied are you with the level of communication and transparency from the company leadership?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

11. How well do you feel that you are able to collaborate and work effectively with your colleagues and teams?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very well
  2. Somewhat well
  3. Neutral
  4. Somewhat poorly
  5. Very poorly

12. How satisfied are you with the company's approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Satisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Very dissatisfied

Need inspiration?

For additional ideas to include in your research, see our list of employee pulse survey questions. With examples covering job satisfaction and engagement, manager effectiveness, learning and development, work-life balance, communication and transparency, workplace environment and culture, benefits and compensation, and more, you're sure to find ideas for your questionnaire.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.