Export Tool Release Update
A few months ago, we started a limited beta test of our new export tool. We’re really happy to announce that the testing period is now complete, and the new exporter is fully live.
The export tool is a vital feature for many users, we’ve designed a new tool from the ground up, based on the feedback we’ve received from users and all the ideas we’ve had since launching the previous version. Our goal has been to make it powerful, flexible, and easy to use, and the feedback we’ve received during the beta period has been invaluable in achieving that goal.
Let’s look at the new tool, and explain how it’s going to make exporting your data easier.
Updated look and feel
The design has been brought up-to-date in line with the new SmartSurvey “look and feel” that users should be familiar with.
Reduced clutter
The new layout prioritizes the most frequently-used settings and arranges the other options into logical sub-menus. It’s possible to create the most-frequently used type of export in only a couple of clicks. Contextual sub-menus offer deep customization.
New Smart Date Range Filter
This new feature is something that’s been a regular element of user feedback. It’s now possible to set date range filters that are relative to the date the export is run, such as the last day, week, month, etc. This makes it really easy to set up regular recurring exports that will only include the responses received within the most recent date window. A major benefit if this is ongoing surveys can generate weekly reports that are only for that week, instead of all responses received to date making the exported data set far more manageable.
SPSS Exports
Another frequently-requested feature from our clients is direct support for this important piece of data analysis software. With the new exporter you can now create exports into the right format for direct loading into SPSS.
Re-run Exports
You can now re-run an export directly from the export list, if there’s a report type you like to use frequently, you can re-run the export at any time you choose, without having to set up all the same options again. If you export with similar, but not identical, settings to the previous run, you can also edit it before re-running the export.
Edit Email Notification
If you’ve set up an export that automatically emails the file out, then you can now edit the email that’s sent out via a WYSIWYG editor. The email contents support piping of information about the export via merge tags.
Tab-Separated format
For raw text exports, We’ve added the option to create a tab-separated (TSV) file, in addition to a comma separated (CSV) file.
Edit and amend scheduled exports
If you’ve set up a scheduled or recurring export, you can change the settings before the export runs for the next time, meaning that if you want to tweak something about the export, you can change it instead of having to delete the export and a create a new one.